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Wellhub is a SaaS platform that enables organizations to provide a fitness and wellness program. We hold the PCI-DSS and the ISO 27001 certifications and comply with applicable Data Privacy Regulations in our operating regions. Wellhub takes data protection seriously and has several security measures to ensure data safety through a strong information security management system.


Knowledge Base (FAQ)
    Does the organization require system developers and integrators to perform configuration management during system design, development, implementation and operation?
    Does the organization develop, govern & update procedures to facilitate the implementation of Network Security Controls (NSC)?
    Does the organization develop, govern & update procedures to facilitate the implementation of mobile device management controls?
    Does the organization require system developers and integrators to create and execute a Security Test and Evaluation (ST&E) plan to identify and remediate flaws during development?
    Does the organization formally assess the cybersecurity & data privacy controls in systems, applications and services through Information Assurance Program (IAP) activities to determine the extent to which the controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting expected requirements?
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